Archive for 2011
10 ways to become an IT superstar

Becoming a sought-after industry expert requires dedication, planning, and hard work. Here are some things you can do to make it happen
You have long years of experience in the IT field and you really know your stuff. But when you go to conferences.
CIO 2015: The future is now

Takeaway: CIOs that aren’t doing the things that pundits look at as future skills aren’t really CIOs. They may be CIOs in title, but perhaps not in function.
I do a lot of reading of blogs, articles, magazines and the like. In many of these.
The 25 worst passwords of 2011: ‘password,’ ‘123456′

In spite of a constant drumbeat of news about hacking and cracking computer accounts, users still are employing extremely common and obvious phrases as passwords. A compilation of the most commonly used — and potentially most insecure — passwords.
Tech trends for 2012: Where career potential lies

Nucleus Research, Inc. has released its top ten tech trends for 2012. We’re seeing a lot of the same predictions from the Gartner Symposium so IT pros would be wise to check these out for possible career enhancement.
1. The Productive Enterprise
13 Infrastructure Decisions That Result In Poor IT Security

Designing, architecting, and implementing a corporate network is a daunting task. It is easy to become lost in
the minutia and overlook some big picture issues. This is especially true in regards to security. Some decisions that.
10 things you can do to boost PC performance

Takeaway: Does your PC performance need a kick in the pants? These simple steps will help speed things up.
There’s so much information out there about PC performance (especially on Windows machines), it’s difficult to be sure.
4 Steps to Import Export Blackberry Contacts using csv file

One of the most annoying problem in Blackberry is managing contact. Desktop Manager does not provide facility to maintain the contacts through desktop interface, which means RIM suggest the user to maintain the contacts through handheld.
10 things you may be asked during a developer interview (and how to handle them)

Takeaway: These tips will help you clear some of the most common interview hurdles when you’re trying to land a developer job.
Many software developers I have talked to absolutely dread job interviews. And I have seen job candidates absolutely.
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20 things new teachers should be doing this year

Teachers around the world are gearing up for the new school year -- but the experience is going to be vastly different for new teachers. Where an experienced teacher has the knowledge of what worked and what didn't, a new teacher is going to.