Archive for October 2012
5 Steps Auto Posting Articles from Blogspot to Twitter

Blog and social media has become one of important tools for internet campaign. Integration between them will produce effective & efficient internet promotion.
Here 5 steps auto posting articles from Blogspot to Twitter, free:
1. Create new account at
2. Click on "Create New Feed"
3. Insert your Feed Name, RSS Feed URL and tick on Active part
- Feed Name: Lowongan Kerja Wow
- RSS Feed URL:
Default RSS Feed URL from blogger is: - To ensure all steps is working properly, click on "test rss feed"
4. Click on "Advanced Settings" for additional features
- Define update frequency, and how many articles will be posted for every check.
- It's advisable to choose "title only" on "Post Content" part, to ensure it's fit with 145 chars policy from twitter.
- Tick on "Post Link", so followers can read the article more detail by clicking the link.
5. Process done, click on "All Done"
- Ensure "Active Services" on twitter has been ticked.
- If not, press "Twitter" on "Available Services" to validate.
- Click on "All done" at the bottom.